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COVID-19: 60 more deaths, 5,661 cases reported in country

COVID-19: 60 more deaths, 5,661 cases reported in country
August 5, 2021 Web Desk

ISLAMABAD (92 News) – Sixty more deaths due to Coronavirus and 5,661 new positive cases of the infection have been reported in the country.

According to National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC), 62,462 tests were conducted while positivity ratio remained nine point zero six percent. 952,616 patients have recovered in the country. The death toll due to pandemic in the country has reached 23,635.

Till now 46,956 active corona virus cases have been confirmed in Sindh, 15,067 in Punjab, 5,122 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 4,392 in Islamabad, 1,477 in Balochistan, 3,537 in Azad Kashmir and 858 in Gilgit-Baltistan.