Friday, July 26, 2024

Any provocation along LoC will meet a befitting response: COAS

Any provocation along LoC will meet a befitting response: COAS
February 26, 2015
RAWALPINDI (92 News) – Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Raheel Sharif visited Sialkot Garrison and forward locations on the working boundary on Thursday. According to the Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR), while speaking to troops, COAS appreciated their high state of morale and operational preparedness on the frontline. He said that repeated Indian cease fire violations on working boundary and Line of Control (LoC) in the recent past are a distraction for Pakistan from its campaign against terrorism and adversely affect regional stability. COAS said, “Let there be no doubt that any provocation along the Line of Control and Working Boundary will meet a befitting response.” Army Chief was given a detailed briefing by local commanders about the prevailing security situation at the working boundary. General Raheel Sharif also visited towns and villages affected due to Indian unprovoked firing along the working boundary. While expressing solidarity with the affected villagers, COAS paid rich tributes to their resilience and spirits. He also said that the entire nation stand united along with its armed forces while defending the motherland. Earlier on arrival at Sialkot, Lt Gen Ghayyur Mehmood, Corps Commander received the COAS.