Saturday, September 7, 2024

Ashura procession peacefully culminate countrywide

Ashura procession peacefully culminate countrywide
October 1, 2017
LAHORE/ISLAMABAD/KARACHI (92 News) – Processions across the country culminated peacefully as people observed Youm-e-Ashur on Sunday to pay homage to the sacrifices of Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) and his companions, amid stringent security measures in place. Mourning, Alam, Zuljinah and Taazia processions were taken out in all big and small towns across the country. Mourners observed the day with utmost sanctity, marking the martyrdom of Imam Hussain’s (RA) – grandson of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The Ulema and Zakireen highlighted the teachings of Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) and various aspects of Karbla tragedy. Holding alams, mourners marched past traditional routes in almost all cities across the country, narrating the hardships of Karbala. At stalls, food, water, milk and juices have been arranged for the mourners. Stringent security arrangements had been made for the processions. Heavy contingent of police and Rangers were guarding the processions. Pillion riding was also banned in various cities, including Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar and Quetta. Mobile phone service also remained suspended along the routes of processions. In Karachi, the main majlis in this regard was held at Nishter Park this morning that was addressed by Allama Shehenshah Hussain Naqvi, who highlighted the incidents of Karbala and the sacrifice of Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) and Ahl-e-Bait for the supremacy of Islam. After the majlis, the main procession was carried out, that, after passing through its traditional route culminated at Imambargah Hussainia Iranian. In Lahore, the main Shabeeh e Zul-jinnah procession was taken out around last mid-night from Nisar Haveli inside Mochi Gate passed its traditional route. It concluded at Karabala Gamay Shah after sunset where Shaam-e-Ghareeban was held afterwards. Many mourning processions were taken out from various parts of provincial capital. Sabeels have been setup for mourners on the way of all processions. In Rawalpindi, the main Zuljinah, Alam and Tazia procession was taken out from Imambargah Colonel Maqbool Hussain. After passing through its traditional route, the procession culminated at Imambargah Qadeemi. Other mourning processions joined the main procession at various points. In Quetta, the main procession was taken out form Imam-Bargah Nichari based on Alamdar Road this morning step passed through its conventional routes and concluded at its destination after Maghrib Prayers. In Muzaffarabad, the main procession was taken out from Markazi Imam Bargah Pir Ilam Shah Bukhari. The procession after passing through its traditional routes terminated at the evening at the same Imambargah. Small and big mourning processions joined the main procession.