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Beijing 'dissatisfied' over China casualties in Myanmar clashes

Beijing 'dissatisfied' over China casualties in Myanmar clashes
November 7, 2023 Web Desk

BEIJING (AFP) - China expressed "strong dissatisfaction" on Tuesday after what it said were casualties suffered by "Chinese personnel" linked to fighting in Myanmar's north between junta forces and ethnic armed groups.

China "expresses strong dissatisfaction with the escalation of the armed conflict and the casualties caused to Chinese personnel," foreign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said. Wang did not say whether the Chinese were killed or wounded, though he added that Beijing "has lodged solemn protest with relevant parties".

Local media in Myanmar reported on Saturday that one Chinese person was killed and another two wounded after the military shelled the town of Laiza in Myanmar, home to the headquarters of ethnic armed group the Kachin Independence Army.

The reports said one shell had landed on the China side of the border. Beijing on Tuesday reiterated that it was "paying close attention to the conflict situation in northern Myanmar".

"China once again demands that all parties involved in the conflict in northern Myanmar immediately cease fire and take realistic measures to prevent any incidents that endanger the lives and property of people in China's border areas from happening again," Wang said.

Beijing, he warned, would take "necessary measures to safeguard the lives and property of its citizens."