Saturday, July 27, 2024

CEC Sikandar Sultan orders inquiry into failure of RTS

CEC Sikandar Sultan orders inquiry into failure of RTS
May 11, 2020
ISLAMABAD (92 News) – After 22 months of the general elections 2018, Chief Election Commissioner Sikandar Sultan Raja on Monday ordered an inquiry into the failure of the Result Transmissions System (RTS). Sources said that the chief election commissioner had received a detailed briefing on the RTS soon after assuming the charge of his office. He expressed his indignation at the failure of the RTS and ordered investigations to thrash out the reality. The RTS was first time launched in the country in 2018 to transmit the election results on time. The results were delayed when the RTS crashed soon after is launch. The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) had claimed to release all the results by 2am, but the official result of a single constituency could not be announced on time. As a result, the electoral transparency was also questioned with the passage of time. The PML-N, the PPP, MMA and other parties raised hue and cry over the issue. The ECP had not probed the matter due to the formation of the parliamentary committee on the matter. The opposition had several times demanded investigations into the failure of the RTS.