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China once again rejects Indian claim over Arunachal Pradesh

China once again rejects Indian claim over Arunachal Pradesh
October 13, 2021 Web Desk

BEIJING (92 News) – China has once again rejected the Indian claim over Arunachal Pradesh, announcing that it will never recognize it.

Addressing a regular press conference on Wednesday, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian said that China's position on the China-India boundary issue is consistent and clear-cut. "The Chinese government has never recognized the so-called 'Arunachal Pradesh' established unilaterally and illegally by the Indian side and firmly opposes the Indian leader's visit to this above-mentioned area."

He said that China urges the Indian side to earnestly respect China's major concerns, stop taking any action that would complicate and expand the boundary issue, and refrain from undermining mutual trust and bilateral relations.

"It should instead take real actions to maintain peace and stability in the China-India border area, and help to bring China-India relations back onto the track of sound and steady development," he said.