Saturday, July 27, 2024

We are ready to respond to entire spectrum of direct & indirect threat: COAS

We are ready to respond to entire spectrum of direct & indirect threat: COAS
September 19, 2016
RAWALPINDI (92 News) – COAS General Raheel Sharif presided over Corps Commander’s Conference at GHQ on Monday. The forum had an in depth review of external and internal security situation and operational preparedness of the Army. Taking note of a hostile narrative being propagated by India, the COAS said: “We are fully cognizant and closely watching the latest happenings in the region and their impact on the security of Pakistan.” Expressing his satisfaction over operational preparedness of the Army, the COAS said that Armed Forces of Pakistan are fully prepared to respond to entire spectrum of direct and indirect threat. “Pakistan's Armed Forces together with our resilient nation have surmounted every challenge and will thwart any sinister design against integrity and sovereignty of Pakistan in future as well,” he maintained. Commending the steady progress of Operation Zarb-e-Azb, the COAS paid glowing tributes to officers and men of Army, FC, Rangers and Police who are rendering supreme sacrifices while successfully fighting against terrorists across the length and breadth of the country.