Saturday, July 27, 2024

Cold, dry weather to prevail in the country

Cold, dry weather to prevail in the country
February 10, 2015
ISLAMABAD (Web Desk) - Mainly cold and dry weather is expected in most parts of the country. However, partly cloudy weather conditions would prevail in Gilgit-Baltistan during the next 24 hours, Pakistan Meteorological Department reported on Tuesday. Foggy conditions are likely to prevail over plain areas of Punjab and upper Sindh. Temperature of some major cities in Islamabad and Peshawar was recorded at 7 degree centigrade, Lahore 11°C, Karachi 18°C, Quetta 1°C, Gilgit 0°C, Murree 4°C and Muzaffarabad 6°C. While coldest places recorded during last 24 hours include Parachinar -09.0°C, Astore -08, Kalam -7.0°C, Hunza -5.0°C, Kallat, Gupis, Skardu -4.0°C, Dir, Gilgit -3.0°C, Drosh, Rawalakot -2.0°C, Malamjabba and Quetta -1.0°C.