Saturday, July 27, 2024

‘Coronaviruses of corruption’ doing politics on coronavirus: Punjab CM

‘Coronaviruses of corruption’ doing politics on coronavirus: Punjab CM
May 12, 2020
LAHORE (92 News) – Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has said that ‘coronaviruses of corruption’ are even doing politics over a serious issue like coronavirus. In a statement on Tuesday, he said that the opposition is only point-scoring on the coronavirus issue and those who are making tall claims have not done anything practical. “Opposition parties have been isolated and have also left the people alone. It is the best time to rise above mundane politics to serve the people and advised the opposition parties to realize facts of this pandemic as there is enough time for politics in future,” he added. The chief minister said that politics should be avoided on the most important challenge like Covid-19. “The government, under the leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan, has taken timely and far-sighted decisions to deal with the coronavirus,” the CM added. “How can those who mercilessly looted the national kitty talk about the welfare of masses?” He regretted that the opposition leaders tried to sabotage national unity despite the onslaught of coronavirus. “The negative role being played by the opposition during coronavirus has become a part of history and the Pakistani nation will never forgive the negative political players. Those who indulged in individualistic initiatives, in this hour of trial, have been fully exposed,” the CM concluded.