Saturday, July 27, 2024

Countries having 500-600 deaths daily also decided to ease lockdown: PM

Countries having 500-600 deaths daily also decided to ease lockdown: PM
April 21, 2020
ISLAMABAD (92 News) – Prime Minister Imran Khan has said that the countries having daily deaths of 500-600 have also decided to ease the lockdown. Talking to the media on Tuesday, he said that they will have to save the people from starvation. “Firstly, we opened the cement industry and then the construction sector. We are taking the matters ahead in consultation with the provinces,” he said. The prime minister said that the force formed by the government is not Tiger Force, but Razakar Force. “No payment will be made to the force. They have come with the passion to serve the nation,” he said. He said that the European countries are also thinking of lifting the lockdown despite huge deaths. Imran Khan said that mosques are being closed across the world. “Ramazanul Mubarik is the month of worship. The nation wants to go to mosques for worship,” he said.