Friday, July 26, 2024

I-Day preparations gain momentum

I-Day preparations gain momentum
August 2, 2017
LAHORE (92 News) – As Pakistan's 70th Independence Day comes around, Pakistanis across the country flock to stalls and vendors to buy national flags to show their patriotic fervor. The show of patriotism doesn't end with flags ─ shirts, dresses, balloons and badges, as well as other memorabilia bedecked in the hallmark green and white, emblazoned with the national flag, are a hot commodity as citizens throng the markets, surveying the colorful and quirky offerings. As the auspicious Independence Day is around the corner, preparations across the country are under the way with zeal and zest. People across the country have started flocking markets to buy national flags. The people, especially the children are enthusiastically purchasing national flags, buntings, posters, stickers and candles, most of them have decorated their homes and vehicles. Decorative items are in high demand these days, including national flags, multi-colored garlands, badges and portraits of Quaid-e-Azam and other national heroes. The national flag will be hoisted at important buildings to celebrate the day in a befitting manner. Printers and makers of bindings, flags, banners and badges are fully engaged in their business. Several public and private organizations, schools and departments are planning to arrange seminars, conferences, exhibitions, tableaus, rallies, shows, walks and programs to celebrate the day.