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Federal cabinet approves segregation of PIMS from Zulfiqar Bhutto University

Federal cabinet approves segregation of PIMS from Zulfiqar Bhutto University
October 25, 2017
ISLAMABAD (92 News) – The Federal Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, approved in principle, the proposed draft bill for the segregation of Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) and Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Medical University (SZABMU). Imam-e-Ka'aba Dr Saleh Bin Humaid also attended the meeting on special invitation. The proposed draft bill was approved unanimously as no minister objected to contents of the proposed bill. Minister of State for Capital Administration and Development Division (CADD) Dr Tariq Fazal Chaudhry briefed the cabinet on the proposed bill, and explained with convincing details, the administrative requirements for the segregation of the University and the hospital. The proposed bill was approved by the Cabinet Committee for Disposal of Legislative Cases last week. Minister for CADD, in his briefing to the cabinet, said that since 2013, when the SZABMU was created and the administrative control of PIMS was given to the University, there were reservations and perpetual unrest among the employees of the hospital. This uneasiness was hindering the proper disposal of medical services to the general public, he added. The minister said that the principle decision to separate the two organizations was taken by former Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif in November last year on the recommendation of CADD. After the approval of the then prime minister, the process of preparing the draft bill was initiated in consultation with other stakeholders, including Ministry of Law, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Finance, FPSC and Establishment Division. The proposed bill after approval from the Cabinet Committee for Disposal of Legislative Cases last week was finally approved by the cabinet. Dr Tariq Fazl Chaudhary said that the name of Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Medical University is not being changed and the university will continue to work according to its teaching mandate. He said that the separation of the two organizations will help manage the affairs of both organizations in a better way. The minister said that the demand for separation of the two institutions from the employees was intense during the past few weeks. He said that this decision is consistent with the expectations of employees and administrative principles for managing medical universities and allied teaching hospitals and is prevalent throughout the country. The minister especially thanked the present and the former prime minister on the approval of the proposed bill and resolving this issue on priority basis. He hoped that both the institutions would work with enhanced efficiency and their services to the public will greatly improve. The cabinet also approved new constituencies and ordered to ready a draft for an increase the seats in the National Assemblies, which should be prepared in consultation with political parties.