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FM urges UN to convene global dialogue on countering rising Islamophobia

FM urges UN to convene global dialogue on countering rising Islamophobia
March 17, 2021

ISLAMABAD (92 News) - Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi has urged the United Nations to convene a global dialogue on countering rising Islamophobia and promoting inter-faith harmony to foster engagement.

He was virtually addressing a high-level event in Commemoration of the International Day to Combat Islamophobia Organized by the OIC Group in New York today (Wednesday).

The minister said Islam is a religion of peace and it should not be judged by acts of a fringe group of extremists who exist in all societies, religions or belief system.

He said the world cannot continue on this spiral of hate as it benefits only extremists on all sides and results in polarized societies and ultimately violence.

FM Qureshi said Muslims, unequivocally, condemn the practice of insulting Prophets of Islam, Christianity and Judaism. "We oppose all acts of violence on the basis of religion or belief and we only expect empathy and solidarity from others," he added.

The foreign minister said the natural reaction of the Muslims to situations like unresolved disputes and festering conflicts, foreign occupation and denial of the right to self-determination, is political disagreement with specific policies.

Shah Mehmood Qureshi said today, expressions of Islamophobia are unmistakable in the manifestos of far-right and neo-fascist parties, which openly call for expulsion of Muslims, politicization of the hijab, frequent mob lynchings by cow vigilantes, discriminatory laws, state-sponsored pogroms, deliberate vandalism of Islamic symbols and holy sites, and attempts to link and equate Islam and Muslims to terrorism.

He said a show of empathy and solidarity by the international community will go a long way towards curbing the menace of Islamophobia and advancing the cause of mutual respect and understanding.