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If NRO given to Opp then it will lead to disastrous effects on Pakistan: PM

If NRO given to Opp then it will lead to disastrous effects on Pakistan: PM
January 10, 2021

ISLAMABAD (92 News) - Prime Minister (PM) Imran Khan has termed that If NRO was given to the opposition then it will lead to disastrous effects on Pakistan.

The prime minister stated while Interacting with digital media publishers and broadcasters today. "Opposition thought that many people would come out at his call but the world goes out against the corruption of the rulers," he said.

"Former premier Nawaz Sharif and PML-N senior leader Khawaja Asif have Iqama for money laundering. How can the Prime Minister stop someone else when he is laundering money?," Imran Khan said.

He expressed his commitment that he is against giving NRO to those, who looted Pakistan's wealth and plunged the country into the quagmire of debt. He said Pakistan is passing through a defining moment and the social media has a great role in setting new standard of morality by exposing the plunderers.

India is backing ISIS

The premier said that India is backing ISIS in the region to spread chaos in Pakistan by fanning sectarianism. Pakistan's security agencies successfully preempted Indian plots to fan sectarianism. It is unfortunate that terrorists targeted Hazara workers in thinly populated area," he maintained.

Previous rulers preferred to form alliance with Baloch Chieftains

He said that the previous governments did not pay due attention to Balochistan and always preferred to form alliance with Baloch Chieftains, who became the biggest hurdle in transferring development funds to the grassroots level.

Imran Khan said that the PTI government has focused the socio economic development of Balochistan to uplift the common citizens of the province who are facing extreme poverty.