Saturday, September 7, 2024

‘India arming terrorist organizations to launch attacks in Pakistan’

‘India arming terrorist organizations to launch attacks in Pakistan’
September 26, 2017
NEW YORK (92 News) – Pakistan has on Tuesday said that India is sponsoring terrorism and funding and arming terrorist organizations to launch terrorist attacks in Pakistan. Pakistan’s mission to the UN Counselor Tipu Usman while responding to India 's right of reply to Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi's tough statement that focused on the grave situation in occupied Kashmir said that Pakistan caught red-handed Indian spy Kalbushan Yadav, who was spreading terror and violence across the country. He said India is trying to divert the world attention from its human rights violations in occupied Kashmir but the truth cannot be hidden. Tipu Usman said India is refusing to implement the Security Council resolutions on Kashmir, which is the real issue between the two countries. He urged the United Nations to help stop human rights abuses in occupied Kashmir.