Saturday, July 27, 2024

Indian aggressive posture growing threat to regional peace: FO

Indian aggressive posture growing threat to regional peace: FO
October 23, 2019
ISLAMABAD (92 News) – The Foreign Office (FO) has said that state policy and Indian aggressive posture is a growing threat to regional peace and stability. In a statement, Foreign Office spokesperson Dr Muhammad Faisal said reckless allegations of the Indian army chief and the lack of response from India exposed the lies. “Pakistan does not harbor any aggressive designs, but our armed forces and people remain ready to defend the country against any acts of aggression,” he added. He said the visit of diplomatic corps further exposed the Indian falsehood to the international community and the desperate attempts being resorted by India to divert international attention from the humanitarian nightmare in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Earlier, Pakistan arranged the visit of the diplomatic corps in Islamabad along with the media, including foreign media, by helicopter to the site of recent Indian ceasefire violations which resulted in the martyrdom of five innocent civilians on the Pakistani side and injuries to six others. After the baseless and fallacious statement of the Indian army chief alleging that recent Indian ceasefire violations were targeting ‘launch pads/terrorist camps’ on the Pakistani side of the LoC, Pakistan requested the Indian High Commission in Islamabad to share details, including longitudes and latitudes of the alleged location to back the Indian allegations. No response has been received so far from India. The diplomatic corps and media were taken to the LoC, including Jura to witness firsthand the fallacy of the Indian claims. They personally witnessed the destruction of life and property resulting from the recent Indian ceasefire violations, including use of heavy artillery. They also visited the injured in the hospital in Muzaffarabad. The Indian High Commission officials in Islamabad were also invited but did not show up. The irresponsible allegations of the Indian army chief and the lack of response from India when asked to back its hollow assertions with details of the alleged “launch pads/ camps” not only expose the lies and deceit being employed as state policy and Indian aggressive posture which is a growing threat to regional peace and stability. The visit further exposed the Indian falsehood to the international community and the desperate attempts being resorted by India to divert international attention from the humanitarian nightmare in IOJ&K.