Friday, July 26, 2024

Indian COAS repeatedly provoking war through his irresponsible statements: DG ISPR

Indian COAS repeatedly provoking war through his irresponsible statements: DG ISPR
October 25, 2019
RAWALPINDI (92 News) – DG ISPR Maj Gen Asif Ghafoor has said that Indian COAS Bipin Rawat is repeatedly provoking a war through his irresponsible statements, endangering regional peace for electioneering of his political masters. In a series of tweets on Friday, he said that from fake the surgical strike to date his only success has been to turn Indian Army into a rogue force and getting them killed. The DG ISPR said that Indian army chief’s statements are coupled with blood of innocents on hand and losses to the Indian forces at the hands of Pakistan Armed Forces. “A helicopter crashes due to so-called technical fault-cum-fratricide just to become Indian Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) is actually at the cost of professional military ethos,” he maintained. On October 21, DG ISPR Maj Gen Asif Ghafoor had said that Indians have no grounds to support the false claim made by their COAS Bipin Rawat. In a tweet, he said that if they (Indians) don’t want to go they have the option to share claimed targeted locations with our Foreign Office. “We will take foreign diplomats and media tomorrow on those given locations. Let all see facts on ground,” he declared. Earlier on Sunday, DG ISPR Major General Asif Ghafoor had strongly rejected the Indian army chief’s claim of destroying three camps in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK). In a tweet, the DG ISPR said Indian army chief’s statement is disappointing as he holds a very responsible appointment. He also has said that Indian Embassy in Pakistan is welcome to take any foreign diplomat or media to prove the claim on ground. The DG ISPR warned that propensity of false claims by senior Indian military leadership, especially since Pulwama incident, is detrimental to peace in the region. He said such false claims by Indian Army are being made to suit vested domestic interests, which is against professional military ethos. Meanwhile, the DG ISPR had advised Indian media to avoid carrying out baseless and unfounded propaganda and follow the journalistic ethos of Pakistan Media for reporting with responsibility.