Saturday, July 27, 2024

Indian troops martyr four Kashmiri youth in Kulgam

Indian troops martyr four Kashmiri youth in Kulgam
April 4, 2020
SRINAGAR (KMS) – In Occupied Kashmir, Indian troops in their fresh act of state terrorism martyred four Kashmiri youth in Kulgam district on Saturday. The troops martyred the youth identified as Sadam Malik, Aijaz Ahmed Naikoo, Shahid Sadiq Malik and Waqar Ahmed during a cordon and search operation in Hardmanguri area of the district. Earlier, three Indian troops were injured in an attack in the same area. The troops also destroyed three residential houses in the area with explosive material. Meanwhile, senior APHC leader and President of Jammu and Kashmir Anjuman Sharie Shian, Agha Syed Hassan Al-Moosvi Al-Safvi, in a statement issued in Srinagar, condemned the new domicile law enforced by India in occupied Kashmir to convert the Muslim majority of Kashmir into minority by settling non-Muslim Indians in the territory. He deplored that such decisions were being taken unilaterally by India at a time when the Kashmiris were fighting with the deadly coronavirus pandemic. The occupation authorities have extended ban on high-speed internet service till April 15. An order to this effect was issued by Principal Secretary of occupied Kashmir’s Home Department, Shaleen Kabra. Indian police arrested over 40 people including shopkeepers from different areas of the Kashmir Valley for alleged violation of prohibitory orders imposed to contain coronavirus. Three more persons were tested positive for the coronavirus in Udhampur, today, raising the number of such patients to 92 in the occupied territory. Two of those persons diagnosed with the COVID-19 have died so far, in the occupied territory. On the other hand, the All Parties Hurriyat Conference Azad Jammu and Kashmir at a meeting in Islamabad said that the new domicile law imposed by the Indian government in Occupied Kashmir was violation of the UN resolutions, Geneva Convention and international law. APHC AJK leaders, Ishtiyaq Hameed and Zahid Ashraf, in their statements in Islamabad also denounced India’s nefarious move aimed at altering the Muslim majority character of occupied Kashmir. The Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission in a tweet in Jeddah denounced the new domicile law introduced by India in Occupied Kashmir. The commission in the tweet said that the move by India is an attempt to alter demographic and geographic status of occupied Kashmir.