Saturday, July 27, 2024

NA unanimously passes resolution to stop blasphemous content

NA unanimously passes resolution to stop blasphemous content
January 6, 2020
ISLAMABAD (92 News) – The National Assembly on Monday unanimously passed a resolution to stop blasphemous content on the social media. The resolution was presented by Federal Minister for Housing Tariq Bashir Cheema. It demanded a complete ban on blasphemous sketches and objectionable books. It also demanded that a committee should be formed against the blasphemous content and controversial books be confiscated. The House reiterated the resolve to sacrifice their lives for the sanctity of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW), his companions (RA) and family members. Meanwhile, NA Speaker Asad Qaisar sent the matter of controversial books to the Standing Committee on Religious Affairs. Talking to 92 News, Tariq Bashir Cheema said that the matter is not related to politics. “All members jointly played the role and the resolution was passed unanimously,” he said. Earlier, the PML-Q had got approved a resolution against the blasphemous content in the Punjab Assembly.