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National, foreign leaders felicitate Pakistani nation on Independence Day

National, foreign leaders felicitate Pakistani nation on Independence Day
August 14, 2018
ISLAMABAD (92 News) – National and foreign political leaders including PM-in waiting Imran Khan, PML-N President Shehbaz Sharif, PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto, Kasmiri Hurriyat leaders UK and US leaders felicitate Pakistani nation on the occasion of Independence Day. In his message to the nation, PTI chairman Imran Khan felicitated the nation on Independence Day. “14 Aug 2018: On this Independence Day I am filled with the greatest optimism. Despite our grave economic crises, due to corruption and cronyism, I know if we are united in our resolve, we will rise to the challenge and Pakistan will become the great nation envisaged by our Quaid and Iqbal,” the PTI chief tweeted,   In another tweet, he posted a picture of his ancestors with the founder and Iqbal at the Round Table Conference in London in 1932. “In this historic picture of Quaid-i-Azam and Iqbal, at the Round Table Conference in London 1932, my khalu Dr Jehangir Khan and my mother’s chacha Zaman Khan (Zaman Park named after him) were also present,” Imran tweeted.   In a tweet, Shehbaz Sharif paid a rich tribute to those who sacrificed their lives and property for creation of the country. “Independence Day is a day of thanksgiving; a day to remember how Muslims of sub-continent came together under the inspiring leadership of Quaid-i-Azam to carve out a homeland for themselves. Today I pay my rich tributes to those who sacrificed everything 2 achieve this country,” he twweted.   Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has extended greetings to the fellow Pakistanis on the Independence Day and urged the nation to gear up for regaining the Pakistan, our founder Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah had dreamt of.   Felicitating Pakistan on its Independence Day, All Parties Hurriyat Conference chairman Syed Ali Geelani has extended his heartiest felicitations to the people and the government of Pakistan. “Kashmiri nation is highly grateful to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for extending its wholehearted moral, political and diplomatic support to our just cause and struggle since 1947. We pray to Almighty Allah for peace, strength, stability, progress and prosperity of Pakistan for a strong and stable Pakistan is very important for the resolution of Kashmir issue,” Geelani said in a statement issued here. In a statement, wishing the people of Pakistan on the country's 72nd Independence Day today, US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo said for more than seven decades, the relationship between the US and Pakistan has rested on the strong foundation of close ties between our two peoples. The British high commissioner also congratulated Pakistan on 72nd Independence day. He shared his message in Urdu language. In his message, he said that he lived more than five years and was visiting for 12 years in Pakistan. Due to this, he is emotionally attached a relation with Pakistan. "Pakistan's future is very bright, the UK government and the people will support to make stronger Pakistan.