Saturday, September 7, 2024

No safe havens of Haqqani network in Pakistan: Aizaz Chaudhry

No safe havens of Haqqani network in Pakistan: Aizaz Chaudhry
January 19, 2018
WASHINGTON (92 News) – Pakistan’s Ambassador to the United States Aizaz Chaudhry said that there are no safe havens of Haqqani network in the country. In an interview with BBC Urdu on Thursday, he said that Pakistan wanted to send Taliban and Haqqani network leaders back to Afghanistan to join the mainstream politics in their own country. “They are relatives of Afghan refugees and we want to send them back as well.” The ambassador said: “If the US has any information [on the issue] then they should share it with us as we want to eliminate them [Taliban and Haqqanis] as well.” He said that the refugees were becoming a security threat for Pakistan as their youth was being hired by the terrorists. “We want them to go back too and the border is secured so that bad people don’t travel across the border anymore,” he added. Pakistan and the United States shared the common target of bringing peace and stability in Afghanistan, said the ambassador to the US, adding that Pakistan and Afghanistan would mutually benefit by thorough surveillance of the border. About intelligence sharing between Pakistan and the US in the aftermath of recent war of words, he said the two countries were still in contact at different levels including ‘intelligence sharing at working level’. “We want the doors of dialogue to remain open including intelligence cooperation which is at working level at the moment and officials are engaging each other,” he said.