Friday, July 26, 2024

Obama nominates first Muslim to be a federal judge

Obama nominates first Muslim to be a federal judge
September 7, 2016
WASHINGTON (92 News) – US President Barack Obama made history Wednesday by nominating the first Muslim person to the federal judiciary, Abid Qureshi. “I am pleased to nominate Abid Qureshi to serve on the United States District Court bench,” Obama said in a statement. “I am confident he will serve the American people with integrity and a steadfast commitment to justice.” It’s unlikely Qureshi’s nomination to the US District Court for the District of Columbia will go anywhere. With just months left in Obama’s term, Senate Republicans have all but stopped confirming his judicial picks. Muslim advocates hailed Qureshi’s nomination. “I commend President Obama for taking this important step in continuing to pick the best and brightest from every community to serve as part of our nation’s judiciary,” said Farhana Khera, executive director of Muslim Advocates, a legal advocacy organization. The nomination carries a symbolic value: It lands in the midst of a chaotic presidential campaign in which GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump has said that a Muslim federal judge wouldn’t treat him fairly because of his calls for banning Muslims from entering the country.