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Opposition tried to harm national unity despite coronavirus: CM Buzdar

Opposition tried to harm national unity despite coronavirus: CM Buzdar
May 12, 2020
LAHORE (92 News) – Punjab Chief Minister (CM) Sardar Usman Buzdar has said that the opposition tried to harm the national unity and solidarity despite of the outbreak of coronavirus. In statement, the Punjab chief minister said that the corrupt people politicizing the coronavirus epidemic. “Opposition is only scoring points on the corona,” he added. Usman Buzdar further maintained that the opposition leaders, who claimed to do a lot of things, didn’t do anything practically. “This is the time of public service apart from politics as we have enough time for politics in future,” he said. Confirmed novel coronavirus pandemic cases in Pakistan has been crossed 32,000 on Tuesday. According to the National Command and Control Centre, the nationwide tally of coronavirus has soared to 32,081 with 1,140 new cases reported during the last 24 hours. 11,869 cases have so far been detected in Punjab, 12,017 in Sindh, 4,875 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 2,061 in Balochistan, 457 in Gilgit Baltistan, 716 in Islamabad and 86 in Azad Kashmir. 8,555 patients have so far recovered from the virus whilst the death toll stands at 706 with 39 new deaths reported during the last twenty-four hours.