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Allah Almighty is saving us, coronavirus won’t spare anyone: PM Imran Khan

Allah Almighty is saving us, coronavirus won’t spare anyone: PM Imran Khan
April 4, 2020
LAHORE (92 News) – Prime Minister Imran Khan has said that it is top priority of the government to provide a relief and employment to the poor. Addressing a ceremony of Corona Relief Fund at Governor’s House on Saturday, he said that Allah Almighty is saving the people in Pakistan. “Coronavirus will not spare anyone. It does not mean that we should show any insanity,” he said. The prime minister said that over one million had been affected by coronavirus. “No country has the experience of dealing out with the pandemic.” Imran Khan said that the government has given the biggest package in the history. “We daily think which industry can be opened in the current conditions,” he said. He expressed the resolve that Pakistan will come out of coronavirus pandemic situation successfully with discipline. “COVID-19 pandemic is a test and difficult situation for the nation and people can overcome it through precautionary measures. He said the US government had given a relief package of US$2 trillion to stimulate its economy due to coronavirus outbreak, but they are still struggling. “In comparison, our government gave a relief package worth US$8 billion according to our resources, which is the biggest in our history.” The prime minister said that Facebook page of the Ehsaas program will be launched next week, detailing the data of areas where people most need the rations. Later addressing a ceremony of the Corona Relief Tiger Force, Prime Minister Imran Khan said that the people would remember only those who serve their countrymen. “The nation fully supports those who are standing with masses in this hour of need. We will emerge a successful nation after this pandemic,” he said. Earlier, the prime minister visited a quarantine facility set up at Expo Center in Lahore which has the capacity of about 1,000 persons. He visited different sections of the facility and was briefed by Punjab Health Minister Dr Yasmin Rashid. Speaking on the occasion, Punjab Governor Ch Sarwar hoped that the prime minister would bring the nation out of the coronavirus pandemic. He said that the government had given a historic economic package. Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar was also present.