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Pakistan challenges India’s eligibility for UNSC’s membership

Pakistan challenges India’s eligibility for UNSC’s membership
November 26, 2019
NEW YORK (92 News) – Pakistan has challenged India’s qualifications for permanent or non-permanent membership of the UN Security Council (UNSC) at the United Nations (UN). Speaking at UN General Assembly (UNGA) today, Pakistan’s Permanent Representative to UN Munir Akram said New Delhi was in blatant violation of 15-member body’s resolutions aimed at settling the decades-old Kashmir dispute. He said India had imposed a complete curfew and lockdown on eight million people for over a 100 days and it is perpetrating massive violations of human rights against them and against its own minority communities. Earlier, Pakistan showed deep concern over UN Security Council’s inaction to halt India’s violations of human rights and its resolutions in the Indian Occupied Kashmir (IoK). At the UN, participating in a debate on ‘The Role of Reconciliation in Maintaining International Peace and Security’ in the UNSC, Permanent Representative of Pakistan to UN Munir Akram underlined that the central purpose of the 15-member world body is to settle conflicts. Munir Akram said unfortunately, the UNSC has had uneven success in resolving threats to and breaches of international peace and security. He also said India annexed Jammu and Kashmir on August 5 in violation of the UN resolutions and placed the disputed state under a repressive lockdown. He said since then internet and phone communications are cutoff and thousand of Kashmiris have been arrested, especially young men.