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Pakistan demands strict accountability for Israel's most heinous war crimes

Pakistan demands strict accountability for Israel's most heinous war crimes
October 28, 2023 Web Desk

UNITED NATIONS (APP) - The UN General Assembly Friday adopted, by a large majority, a Jordanian-led resolution, co-sponsored by Pakistan, calling for 'an immediate, durable and sustained humanitarian truce' in Gaza leading to a cessation of hostilities in the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict.

The vote in the 193-member Assembly was 120 in favour to 14 against, with 45 abstentions.

Before voting for the resolution, the Assembly rejected an amendment by Canada that would have condemned Hamas by name for its attacks against Israeli border towns in which many Israelis were killed and nearly 200 taken hostage. The vote in favour of the Canadian amendment, backed by many Western countries, was 88 in favour to 55 against, with 23 abstentions.

The amendment failed to get the two-thirds majority needed to pass. The opposition to the amendment was led by Pakistani Ambassador Munir Akram, who in a passionate speech, said it was one-sided as the Jordanian resolution does not specifically name Israel, the occupying power. "There was no justification for naming Hamas with condemning Israel as well."

Munir Akram demanded that Israel should be held accountable strictly for heinous war crimes against Palestinians. " Israel is committing genocide of Palestinians under a deliberate plan. About one million people of Gaza are homeless and about 40 percent of Gaza has turned into ruin. The destruction has reached the West Bank," he declared.

Ambassador Akram said the Canadians’ well-known advocacy for balance and equity was missing in its amendment to the Jordanian text. "Why this double standard?" he said.

He vigorously advocated the rights of Palestinian people. "They are human beings too. They have suffered under 50 years of occupation," Ambassador Akram added.

The resolution, which among other elements, calls on all parties to comply with international law and continuous and unhindered aid into the Gaza Strip. It 'demands' that all parties comply with international humanitarian law and for 'continuous, sufficient and unhindered' provision of essential supplies and services into the Gaza Strip. The resolution also calls for the 'immediate and unconditional release' of all civilians held captive as well as demanding their safety, well-being and humane treatment in compliance with international law.