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Pakistan to begin Corona vaccination drive next week: Asad Umar

Pakistan to begin Corona vaccination drive next week: Asad Umar
January 28, 2021

ISLAMABAD (Web Desk) - Federal Planning and Development Minister Asad Umar announced that Pakistan will launch its COVID-19 vaccination drive next week, starting with front-line health workers.

“Inshallah, the vaccination of frontline health workers will start next week,” Asad Umar, who is also the head of the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC), said in a tweet.

“The system for vaccination is in place. Hundreds of vaccination centres in the country will be administering covid vaccine,” he added.

It is pertinent to mention here that China has pledged to donate 500,000 doses of coronavirus vaccine made by the Chinese firm SinoPharm to Pakistan by January 31. Pakistan has so far approved two vaccines for emergency use, one made by China National Pharmaceutical Group (SinoPharm) and the other by AstraZeneca.

COVID-19 vaccines to be free for all

The government-backed coronavirus vaccines would be free for all the country's citizens, Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Health Dr Faisal Sultan said.

Speaking during an online workshop, the PM's aide said that it is the "government's top-most priority to provide quality healthcare to people."

"It is crucial that we spread awareness among the masses regarding coronavirus, he said, adding that "people should follow coronavirus SOPs just like they did during the pandemic's first wave."

The special assistant said that China had donated 500,000 doses of the vaccine to Pakistan, while as many as 400,000 healthcare workers had already registered to get inoculated.

It is pertinent to mention here that Pakistan may be receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine in the first quarter of the year under the World Health Organisation's COVAX programme.

The global initiative signed an advance purchase agreement with the American pharmaceutical for up to 40 million doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine candidate — which has already been approved for emergency use by the global health body.