Saturday, July 27, 2024

PM plants Kashmir Freedom Tree, prays for peace, prosperity

PM plants Kashmir Freedom Tree, prays for peace, prosperity
October 27, 2019
ISLAMABAD (92 News) – Prime Minister (PM) Imran Khan has planted Kashmir Freedom Tree in Islamabad on the occasion of Kashmir Black Day on Sunday. Special prayers were held for regional peace, prosperity of country and independence of Held Kashmir on the occasion. On the occasion, other government dignitaries were present at the moment with PM Khan. Special Assistant to PM on Information Dr Firdous Aahsiq Awan and Minister of State for climate change Malik Amin Aslam were also present on the occasion. On the other hand, the Black Day is being observed against Indian occupation of Kashmir Valley on Sunday. Protest demonstrations will be staged against India across the country. Rallies will also be taken out to express solidarity with the Kashmiris. The national flag will fly at half-mast at all state buildings. On October 27, 1947, the sufferings of Kashmiri people commenced with the landing of Indian troops in Jammu and Kashmir, which increased manifold after New Delhi revoked Articles 370 and 35-A of Indian Constitution on August 5, suspending the special status of Occupied Kashmir. In Occupied Kashmir, millions of people living in Kashmir Valley and Muslim majority areas of Jammu region continuing to suffer immensely due to strict military siege imposed by India. Normal life remains badly hit on the 83rd straight day, on Saturday, in the Kashmir Valley and parts of Jammu due to restrictions and gag on internet and cellular services barring partial restoration of postpaid connections and landline phones. Despite the occupation authorities’ efforts to restore normalcy in occupied Kashmir, people continue to observe shutdown as a silent protest against India’s recent actions in the territory. Shops and business establishments remain closed most of the time except for few hours in the morning and evening. Although private vehicles are plying on the roads, but due to the absence of public transport, people particularly patients and doctors are facing difficulties in reaching the hospitals and moving from one place to another.