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Will wait for detailed forensic reports before taking action on wheat crisis: PM

Will wait for detailed forensic reports before taking action on wheat crisis: PM
April 5, 2020
ISLAMABAD (92 News) – Prime Minister (PM) Imran Khan on Sunday assured that he will wait for detailed forensic reports before taking action on wheat and sugar crisis. In a tweet regarding inquiry reports on sugar and wheat crisis, the prime minister said has expressed the resolve that no powerful lobby will be able to profiteer at the expense of our public. He awaits detailed forensic reports now by the high-powered commission, which will come out on April 25, before taking action. “I await the detailed forensic reports now by the high-powered commission, which will come out on 25 April, before taking action. InshaAllah, after these reports come out no powerful lobby will be able to profiteer at the expense of our public.” Imran Khan tweeted. The prime minister said as promised preliminary reports into sudden price hikes of sugar and wheat have been released immediately without alteration and tampering. He said this is unprecedented in Pakistan's history. He said previous political leaderships, because of their vested interests and compromises, lacked moral courage to order and release such reports. “As promised preliminary reports into sudden price hikes of sugar & wheat have been released immed without alteration/tampering. This is unprecedented in Pak's history. Prev pol ldrships bec of their vested interests & compromises lacked moral courage to order & release such reports,” the premier tweeted.