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A total of 610,264,015 shares were traded during the day as compared to 261,649,614 shares the previous day, whereas the price of shares stood at Rs 24.317 billion against Rs 13.024 billion on the last trading day.
Around 450 companies transacted their shares in the stock market, 216 of them recorded gains and 190 sustained losses, whereas the share price of 44 companies remained unchanged.
The exchange rate of the Pakistan rupee witnessed an appreciation of 10 paisa against the US dollar in the interbank trading on Tuesday and closed at Rs 278.40 against the previous day’s closing of Rs278.50.
The buying and selling rates of the dollar in the open market, however, were Rs 279 and Rs 281 respectively. The price of the Euro decreased by 58 paisa to close at Rs 301.17 against the last day’s closing of Rs 301.75.
The price of per tola of 24 karat gold decreased by Rs100 and was sold at Rs245,000 against its sale at Rs245,100 on last trading day.
The price of 10 grams of 24 karat gold also decreased by Rs86 to Rs210,048 from Rs210,134 whereas that of 10 gram 22 karat gold went down to Rs192,544 from Rs192,622.
The price of per tola and 10 grams silver remained constant at Rs2,900 and Rs2,486.28 respectively. The price of gold in the international market decreased by US$14 to US$2,362 from US$2376.