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Punjab CM, Chinese doctors agree on mutual cooperation to tackle COVID-19

Punjab CM, Chinese doctors agree on mutual cooperation to tackle COVID-19
April 5, 2020
LAHORE (92 News) – Punjab Chief Minister (CM) Usman Buzdar and the Chinese doctors agreed on mutual cooperation to tackle the novel coronavirus pandemic. Usman Buzdar agreed during a meeting with the Chinese doctors and medical experts. During the meeting, they discussed the strategy to curb the spread of coronavirus in Pakistan. The participants also deliberated on promoting mutual cooperation and joint efforts to contain the virus. The Chinese doctors and experts appreciated the provincial government's effective measures in the leadership of the chief minister to prevent the pandemic. They also assured all possible support to the Punjab government against the coronaviru outbreak. The Punjab chief minister thanked the Chinese doctors and chief nurse for their assurance of cooperation. He also said that he would benefit from China’s experiences for preventing and sustaining COVID-19. He also agreed to follow the advices and recommendations of the Chinese doctors. The Chinese doctors and experts said that even in the hot season, the possibility of the spread of the coronavirus cannot be ignored. “Social distance plays an important role in the prevention of coronavirus,” they added. The delegation advised that the lockdown be implemented for at least 28 days. Then, step-by-step restrictions should be softened cautiously. Coronavirus victims should visit the quarantine center rather than stay at home. The Chinese delegation said that the use of plasma has been useful to save the patient's life. “The use of three antiviral drugs was useful for the infected patient,” they said. The delegation said that sometimes the symptoms of the corona virus did not appear. Secretary Primary and Secondary Health briefed patients about the province.