Saturday, July 27, 2024

Punjab CM directs to utilize all resources to save crops from locusts

Punjab CM directs to utilize all resources to save crops from locusts
May 27, 2020
LAHORE (92 News) – Punjab Chief Minister (CM) Sardar Usman Buzdar has directed the concerned officials to utilize all available resources to save crops from locusts. In a statement, he also directed to pay special attention on the aerial spray and monitor it on daily basis. The chief minister said that coordinated campaign must be continued on scientific grounds to control locust. Earlier, Sardar Usman Buzdar has urged the people to ‘stay home, stay safe’. In a message on Wednesday, the chief minister asked citizens to follow the precautionary measures to curb the spread of coronavirus. “It is mandatory to follow the social distancing to control the spread of coronavirus,” he said. Sardar Usman Buzdar advised the citizens not to come out of their houses unnecessarily. “The only way to protect against COVID-19 is to stay at homes. Coronavirus can only be controlled with the cooperation of the people,” he maintained. He said that the spread of the pandemic would be minimum by minimum social gatherings. The chief minister said that citizens would have to follow the precautionary measures. “The objective of the smart lockdown is to protect the people against coronavirus. People should avoid coming out of their houses during the lockdown,” he added.