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Punjab CM Sardar Usman Buzdar takes an aerial view of lockdown in province

Punjab CM Sardar Usman Buzdar takes an aerial view of lockdown in province
April 11, 2020
LAHORE (92 News) – Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar took an aerial view of different cities, including Lahore, Multan and Sahiwal, on Saturday. During the visit, he reviewed the lockdown situation and observed the closed markets and business centres. He also inspected traffic situation and police pickets set up on roads. The chief minister directed to ensure the implementation of protective measures. He also lauded the services of Pak Army and Rangers during the lockdown. In his message on Twitter, CM Sardar Usman Buzdar said that their frontline professionals in the fight against coronavirus are their heroes. “All the heroes will be given the allowance equal to their salaries. They will be given the package equal to the Shaheed Package in case of loss of life,” he announced. Meanwhile, Punjab Minister for Information Fayyazul Hassan Chohan said that the coronavirus was spreading and the people would have to adopt more preacautionary measures in the coming days. He also gave hand sanitizers, masks and gloves to the hawkers. “We will defeat coronavirus like terrorism in the manner of a unified and responsible nation. The minister also held a meeting with Akhbar Market president Chaudhry Nazir. He said that the government is acting upon all measures told by the World Healths Organization.