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Punjab CM Usman Buzdar, Law Minister Raja Basharat discuss political situation

Punjab CM Usman Buzdar, Law Minister Raja Basharat discuss political situation
March 4, 2021

LAHORE (92 News) – Punjab Law Minister Raja Basharat held a long meeting with Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar on Thursday.

They discussed political situation as well strategy for getting the vote confidence for Prime Minister Imran Khan. They also exchanged views on expediting work on legislation.

After a phone call from Prime Minister Imran Khan, Punjab Assembly Speaker Chauhary Pervaiz Elahi also activated. He hosted a dinner in honour of the PTI and the PML-Q.

In a statement, Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar said that the claimants of giving respect to vote have blatantly violated the sanctity of the right to vote in the Islamabad Senate election. "It is, in fact, the triumph of dirty money over democratic rights."

The chief minister maintained that every advocate of democracy is ashamed of what happened in the Senate election in Islamabad. "Regrettably, the PDM played havoc with the democratic norms and all moral values were mercilessly molested through a cruel monitory game," he lamented. "The sellers of human conscience have booted out every democratic principle and it is not the failure of Abdul Hafeez Sheikh but every politician believing in democracy. In fact, those making a dacoity over the election process, by acting as traders, have besmirched themselves," he repeated.

The CM asserted that the doubts of the PM Imran Khan about the Senate election have proved correct and his announcement of taking a vote of confidence is an audacious decision of a fearless leader. "The PTI has waged Jihad against mafias and the political traders are worthless before a genuine leader like Imran Khan," he concluded.