Saturday, September 7, 2024

Reporter killed by Israeli army gunfire in West Bank

Reporter killed by Israeli army gunfire in West Bank
May 11, 2022 AFP

JENIN (AFP) - An Al Jazeera reporter was killed by Israeli army gunfire in the occupied West Bank on Wednesday, the Qatar-based news channel said.

Israeli forces killed Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Aqleh "in cold blood" while she was working in the Palestinian territories, the channel said in a statement Wednesday.

"In a blatant murder, violating international laws and norms, the Israeli occupation forces assassinated in cold blood Al Jazeera’s correspondent in Palestine," the statement said, calling on the international community to hold the Israeli occupation forces accountable for their "intentional targeting and killing" of the journalist.

The Palestinian health ministry confirmed Abu Akleh's death and said a second reporter, Ali Samodi, had been wounded.