Saturday, July 27, 2024

Resolution on Ukraine approves by majority vote in UN General Assembly

Resolution on Ukraine approves by majority vote in UN General Assembly
February 24, 2023 Web Desk

NEW YORK (92 News) - In the United Nations General Assembly, the resolution on Ukraine was approved by majority vote. There were 141 votes in favor of the resolution, 7 against. 32 countries including Pakistan remained neutral.

Pakistani Permanent Representative to the United Nations Munir Akram explained his non-participation in the voting, saying that Pakistan respects the principles of state sovereignty, equality and territorial integrity. Pakistan supports the demand to refrain from acquiring territories by threat or use of force. States cannot be broken by the use of force. It is also a fact that these principles are not universally applied and respected.

Permanent Representative Munir Akram said that the world does not see the issue of illegal occupation, illegal and forced annexation of Jammu and Kashmir. My delegation agrees and endorses the principles, general provisions contained in the draft resolution. Some clauses included in the resolution are not compatible with Pakistan's principled position. Pakistan is in favor of a just, durable solution, cessation of hostilities through direct, indirect negotiations or mediation.