Monday, September 16, 2024

Snowfall lays a white shawl on Murree, Neelum & Tirah valleys

Snowfall lays a white shawl on Murree, Neelum & Tirah valleys
January 31, 2024 Web Desk

PESHAWAR (APP) - The Tirah Valley of Khyber district as well Neelum Valley in Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Astore, Murree and Galiyat have witnessed the snowfall, turning the areas into a picturesque winter scene.

The locals said, that following an extended dry spell, a blanket of snow has now covered the valley, further enhancing its natural beauty.

Both the residents and visitors were relishing the enchanting ambiance created by the snowfall in these areas.

Renowned for their stunning landscapes, the valleys are drawing a surge of tourists eager to explore the newly snow-covered terrains of the beautiful valley.

This recent snowfall has emerged as a highlight for travelers seeking a winter retreat in these valleys. The transformation of the valleys into a snow-covered paradise signifies a significant shift in its seasonal appearance.