Friday, July 26, 2024

South Asia’s peace not possible without resolution of Kashmir dispute, says Bilal Ahmad

South Asia’s peace not possible without resolution of Kashmir dispute, says Bilal Ahmad
October 2, 2015
NEW YORK (92 News) – Counselor Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the United Nations Bilal Ahmad has on Friday said that India has not only stalled the bilateral dialogue but also vitiated the overall atmosphere between the two countries. Hitting back at India, Bilal Ahmad said that India is the only hurdle in implementation of UN resolutions, adding that the lasting peace in South Asia is not possible without the resolution of Kashmir dispute. He said that Human Rights organizations have identified more than 6000 mass graves, adding that 700,000 Indian forces have occupied Kashmir. Bilal Ahmad said that by abiding international laws, India should give Kashmiris the right to self-determination. “The core issue of Jammu and Kashmir cannot be cast aside by empty rhetoric. It has been and will always be on top of the agenda of any talks between India and Pakistan,” he said. “…It is therefore disingenuous of India to ignore the serious peace initiative proposed by the Prime Minister of Pakistan from this august forum,” he said. Counselor Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the United Nations said that Pakistan has handed over dossiers to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon containing “evidence” of alleged Indian involvement in terrorism in the country.