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UK's Queen pays virtual visit to KPMG to celebrate firm's 150th anniversary

UK's Queen pays virtual visit to KPMG to celebrate firm's 150th anniversary
December 16, 2020

LONDON (Reuters) - Britain’s Queen Elizabeth held a virtual visit to KPMG last week to mark the accounting firm’s 150th anniversary, Buckingham Palace said on Tuesday.

Members of the company’s choir sang “We Wish You A Merry Christmas” and the queen remotely met staff members based in London, Liverpool, Glasgow and Edinburgh.

One employee, John McCalla-Leacy, asked Elizabeth to thank her son and heir, Prince Charles, for his work as part of the charity The Prince’s Trust which he credited with changing his life by supporting him to become an international white-water canoe slalom competitor.

“I’ll indeed pass it on to my son, who is very proud of the idea of The Prince’s Trust, which I think has helped a lot of people,” the 94-year-old queen replied.

The British monarch has performed nearly all her engagements remotely since the COVID-19 pandemic began and is currently staying with her husband Prince Philip, 99, at her Windsor Castle home where she will remain over Christmas.