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UN urges Indian authorities to restore rights of Kashmiris

UN urges Indian authorities to restore rights of Kashmiris
October 30, 2019
NEW YORK (92 News) – The UN Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights has urged Indian authorities to unlock situation and fully restore rights currently being denied in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IoK). A statement issued in Geneva by spokesperson of OHCHR Rupert Colville expressed serious concern over continued human rights violations. The statement says twelve weeks ago, on 5 August, the government of India revoked constitutional provisions granting partial autonomy to the state of Jammu and Kashmir and announced the creation of two separate federally-administered Union Territories, which will come into effect tomorrow. The undeclared curfew imposed by authorities in region is reportedly still in place in large parts of the Kashmir Valley. The statement mentions that at least another six people have been killed and over a dozen injured in alleged attacks by armed groups operating in Occupied Kashmir since 5 August. The statement said hundreds of political and civil society leaders, including three former Chief Ministers of Jammu and Kashmir, have been detained on a preventative basis. The UN said that the Supreme Court of India has been slow to deal with petitions concerning habeas corpus, freedom of movement and media restrictions. On the other hand, Indian troops in their fresh acts of state terrorism martyred three Kashmiri youth as military siege, worst curfew and communications lockdown in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IoK) has been entered 87th successive day. Indian troops in their fresh act of state terrorism martyred a Kashmiri youth in Islamabad district. The troops martyred the youth in a fake encounter during a cordon and search operation in Bijbehara area of the district. On the other hand, Indian troops resorted to indiscriminate firing after an army bunker was attacked by unidentified gunmen in Drubgam area of Pulwama district. The troops cordoned off the area and launched searches to nab the attackers.