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US hails Pakistan’s solid cooperation for peace in Afghanistan

US hails Pakistan’s solid cooperation for peace in Afghanistan
May 21, 2020
WASHINGTON (92 News) – The US has hailed Pakistan’s solid cooperation for peace in Afghanistan.  This was stated by US Acting Assistant Secretary, Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs Alice Wells during an online media briefing. She said solid cooperation between US Ambassador for Afghanistan Khalilzad and Pakistani leadership witnessed to reach the negotiating table for peace in Afghanistan. Alice Wells also said Pakistan’s commitment to peace in the region has grown and Washington-Islamabad relationship improved particularly in trade. Earlier, Adviser on Finance and Revenue Dr Abdul Hafeez Shaikh has said that Pakistan acknowledged the support extended by the US in FATF, COVID-19 and debt relief from the G-20 countries. He was speaking during a virtual discussion with the office-bearers and members of the US-Pakistan Business Council in Islamabad today. “We value our relationship with the US, particularly the business collaborations which have a great potential of growth given the opportunities for business and investment available in Pakistan,” the adviser said. Hafeez Shaikh said the business environment in Pakistan facilitated by a greater ease of doing business, improved regulations and huge market potential, was ideal for investment and joint ventures by the US businessmen. The Adviser said the government had recently announced a 1.2 trillion rupees stimulus package that included direct cash transfers, payment of tax refunds, subsidized credits and payroll loans, to shore up the economy and boost businesses. Similarly, the upcoming budget was being designed in a way to provide maximum relief and incentives to the businesses and promote trade by reducing tariff on a large number of items of raw material.