Saturday, July 27, 2024

It’s a great success to break foreign network in Balochistan: COAS

It’s a great success to break foreign network in Balochistan: COAS
May 26, 2016
QUETTA (92 News) – COAS General Raheel Sharif has reiterated that they are determined to confront global phenomenon of terrorism and extremism. Addressing Command and Staff College on Thursday, he said:  “No military in the world is able to synergize effects as much as Pakistan Army could do single-handedly. We are rightly proud of commanding dynamic and resolute force.” Dilating on the effects of Operation Zarb-e-Azb, he explained how they had transited from hardcore kinetic operation to intelligence-based operations and now combing operations. Vision of conclusion of operations, he reiterated: “We are not there yet and more work is to be done to achieve final objective of fully peaceful and prosperous Pakistan.” The COAS said that it was a great success to break the foreign network in Balochistan. "We will foil each conspiracy against Pakistan."