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Won't spare those unleashing cruelty in name of religion, declares PM Imran Khan

Won't spare those unleashing cruelty in name of religion, declares PM Imran Khan
December 7, 2021 Web Desk

ISLAMABAD (92 News) – Prime Minister Imran Khan has said that they will not spare those unleashing cruelty in the name of the religion.

He was addressing a ceremony in memory of the late Sri Lankan citizen Priyantha Kumara Diyawadana at PM House on Tuesday. "People are murdered and burnt alive in the name of the religion. There is no one to plead the case of the victim party," he maintained.

The prime minister was of the view that they will not let repeat such incidents till they are alive. "The country has witnessed the drama and decided that such incidents are unacceptable," he added.

He urged the people to follow the path of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) if they loved him. He said that the business community of Sialkot had collected US$100,000 that will be sent to the victim family. "Moreover, the heir to Priyantha Kumara will be sent his salary forever," he added.

PM Imran Khan also gave away an appreciation certificate to Malik Adnan who tried to save the Sri Lankan citizen. He also announced to award him Tamgha-e-Shujaat in a ceremony on March 23.

Sri Lankan High Commissioner Mohan Vijay Vikrama also attended the ceremony.