Friday, July 26, 2024

World Press Freedom Day being observed today

World Press Freedom Day being observed today
May 3, 2020
ISLAMABAD (92 News) – World Press Freedom Day is being observed on Sunday with the aim to pay tribute to the journalists around the world sacrificing their lives in the line of duty on Sunday (May 3, 2020). Theme of the Day for this year is ‘Journalism without Fear or Favour.’ In his message on World Press Freedom Day, United Nations Secretary General António Guterres said the media has a crucial role in helping the people make informed decisions amidst the coronavirus challenge. He said the media provides an antidote to the misinformation surrounding Covid-19. Meanwhile, press freedom is under a severe and sustained attack in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir where journalists are being booked under draconian laws for reporting the truth. The Indian government is using different tactics to stifle the media in order to hide the ground realities in the occupied territory. Gag on internet has actually cut off Occupied Jammu and Kashmir from the outside world. India has banned social media networking sites to suppress public dissent in the occupied territory. World Press Freedom Day was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in December 1993, following the recommendation of UNESCO’s General Conference. Since then, 3 May, the anniversary of the Declaration of Windhoek is celebrated worldwide as World Press Freedom Day.