Monday, September 16, 2024

Federal cabinet lauds PM for presenting Pakistan’s case before world

Federal cabinet lauds PM for presenting Pakistan’s case before world
September 26, 2017
ISLAMABAD (92 News) – Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi on Tuesday took the federal cabinet into confidence over his visit to the United States. Presiding over a meeting at PM House, the prime minister apprised the cabinet about his visit to the USA where he forcefully presented Pakistan’s point of view on critical issues including the long-standing issue of Jammu and Kashmir, gross human rights violations at Indian Occupied Kashmir, belligerent attitude of India, peace and stability in Afghanistan and the region, and the plight of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar. He also briefed the Cabinet about his bilateral meetings on the side lines of UNGA Session, particularly the meetings with the US Vice-President, Presidents of Iran and Turkey, Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, CEO of World Bank, Executive Chairman of World Economic Forum, UN Secretary General and King of Jordan. The prime minister during his meetings emphasized that Pakistan wants a continued engagement with regional as well as international powers based on mutual respect, equality and partnership. He underscored the need for the international community to appreciate and acknowledge the huge sacrifices and contributions made by Pakistan for regional peace and stability. The federal cabinet appreciated the prime minister for his bold stance and forceful presentation of Pakistan’s case before the international community. Secretary, Power Division gave a detailed presentation on the current and future demand and supply situation of the power sector. The cabinet was informed that the government would add more than 11,500 MW electricity into the system by June 2018. More than 6,100 MW had already been added to the system by June 2017. The cabinet was further informed that by November of this year, load-shedding would be reduced to negligible level. Improvements in transmission and distribution system were also presented to the Cabinet. The cabinet discussed various issues related to the power sector and appreciated the efforts made by the Ministry of Energy. The cabinet approved five-year extension of the lease contract of Saindak Copper Gold project, between Saindak Metals Limited and Metallurgical Corporation of China Ltd. (MCC). The existing lease agreement term would expire on October 31, 2017.