Sunday, September 22, 2024

Hina Rabbani Khar, European Parliament members discuss new GSP Plus Scheme

Hina Rabbani Khar, European Parliament members discuss new GSP Plus Scheme
June 14, 2023 Web Desk

BRUSSELS (APP) - Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Hina Rabbani Khar on Wednesday met with various members of the European Parliament here, and discussed matters relating to latest regional and bilateral developments.

According to the Foreign Office, Hina Rabbani Khar met Vice President of European Parliament and Rapporteur of new GSP Plus Heidi Hautala and stressed that GSP Plus was an effective tool for sustainable development goals. “It has an immense impact on growing EU-Pak trade especially job creation, increasing exports and inclusive growth,” she added.

During a meeting with Chair of International Trade Committee Bernd Lange, both sides discussed the upcoming GSP Plus Scheme and Pakistan’s position on it.

Moreover, Hina had a constructive exchange of views with Chair of Delegation for Relations with countries of South Asia Nicola Procaccini. Latest regional developments were the spotlight of discussions.

Agreeing upon enhancing Pak-EU parliamentary cooperation, the both sides stressed that stability in South Asia was imperative for global peace. Separately, the MoS also held fruitful exchange with Rapporteur of Trade Monitoring Group for South Asia and member Sub-Committee on HR Dr. Maximilian Krah and thanked for constant support to Pakistan. The two sides agreed to strengthen mutually beneficial trade relations.

MOS Hina also met Vice Chair of sub-committee on human rights MEP Bernard Guetta where she briefed him on human rights violations in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmi (IIOJK). They also discussed developments in Ukraine. The two sides agreed to enhance engagements in the future.

They also discussed the impetus given by GSP Plus scheme to Pakistan’s exports and the importance of continued Pak-EU collaboration for development and trade.

In a separate meeting, the MOS had a productive discussion with Chair of Committee on Foreign Affairs David Mcallister and exchanged views on latest regional and global developments. She emphasized that the global community should invest in a unified response to global challenges including climate change.

She also met Vice-Chair of INTA Marie Pierre and briefed her on the importance Pakistan attaches to EU being one of its largest trading partners. Highlighting the mutual benefits gained by both sides due to the GSP Plus template, she exchanged views regarding the new GSP Plus Scheme.

MoS Hina held a working lunch with MEPs European Parliament belonging to different committees. She exchanged candid views on latest global and regional developments. The two sides agreed to further augment Pakistan-EU relations through enhanced parliamentary exchanges.