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Imran Khan’s ‘provocative’ speech is condemnable: MQM

Imran Khan’s ‘provocative’ speech is condemnable: MQM
February 9, 2015
KARACIH (Web Desk) – Responding aggressively to PTI Chairman Imran Khan’s recent presser, the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) Coordination Committee stated that Imran Khan’s pre-planned speech has hurt sentiments of Altaf Hussain’s supporters, 92 News reported on Monday. Imran Khan’s press conference is pre-planned like PTI’s sit-in, MQM leader Haider Abbas Rivzi told media in Karachi. He said that PTI did not give any statement against the Taliban. It seems like political wing of the banned outfit. Where was Imran Khan or the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf when the fire engulfed Baldia Town factory, he asked. He said: “We reject and condemn all the allegations leveled by Imran Khan.” Haider Abbas Rizvi further stated that it is the darkest day in Pakistan’s political history. He is part of a big conspiracy aimed at destabilizing the country’s political system. He said that Khan is deceiving the nation with his blatant lies. "Imran Khan has raised the political tension through his provocative statements, while he is trying to link Baldia Town tragedy to Peshawar school massacre." Rizvi added. MQM leader Farooq Sattar said that Peshawar tragedy was one of the worst tragedy in Pakistan’s history, but Khan has linked it to the Baldia Town factory inferno. Khan was the candidate of the Tehreek-e-Taliban (TTP) as the terror outfit wanted to see him as the prime minister of Pakistan, he added.