Saturday, September 7, 2024

Kashmiri women offering sacrifices to save Pakistan's jugular vein: Ch Sarwar

Kashmiri women offering sacrifices to save Pakistan's jugular vein: Ch Sarwar
November 23, 2020

Addressing a ceremony on Monday, he said that it was responsibility of the government to highlight the Kashmir issue in the world. "Kashmiris' morale is high despite all cruelties. They hoist black flags on the independence day of Kashmiris," he said.

He requested political parties not to conduct public meetings as there is fear of spread of coronavirus.

Special Assistant to Chief Minister on Information Firdous Ashiq Awan said that Pakistan and the Kashmiris have the relations of souls. "Our political agenda may differ, but our destination is same," she said.

She said that India conducted Pulwama-like incidents under a conspiracy to defame Pakistan.