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NCOC hails timely help by China to Pakistan over COVID-19 challenge

NCOC hails timely help by China to Pakistan over COVID-19 challenge
April 15, 2020
ISLAMABAD (92 News) – The National Command and Operation Center (NCOC) has admired the timely help provided by China to Pakistan to cope with the COVID-19 challenge. According to a statement released by the NCOC, a Chinese medical team visited Pakistan and held meetings in different cities with health professionals and others to help Pakistan cope with the situation. The command center noted that the Chinese side provided Pakistan with important medical equipment and medicines on war footing. It immediately provided five hundred, twenty nine thousand and nine hundred and twenty four N-95 masks. The Chinese assistance also included thirty three thousand, seven hundred and forty four protective equipment and ten thousand testing kits. Over 1.5 million medical masks, thirty six ventilators, 180 thermometer, 100 thermal scanners, 24900 gloves and 59,376 protective goggles are also part of the Chinese assistance. In addition, China provided ten thousand liter sanitizer and 1442 kilogram unstitched cloth for protective gear. National Command and Operation Center said that the Chinese government also provided special assistance to fight coronavirus in Gilgit Baltistan. It provided timely assistance to the region through Khunjerab and this included five ventilators, two hundred thousand masks and two thousand N-95 masks. China also provided two thousand each testing kits and   protective gear for Gilgit Baltistan. Pakistan Army dispatched this medical equipment through helicopters to different parts of Gilgit Baltistan.