Saturday, September 7, 2024

Opposition playing as locust role in current scenario: Punjab CM

Opposition playing as locust role in current scenario: Punjab CM
May 28, 2020
LAHORE (92 News) – Punjab Chief Minister (CM) Usman Buzdar has termed on Thursday that the opposition parties have been playing the role of locusts in the current scenario of coronavirus crisis. Talking in Multan, the chief minister said that the opposition tried to divide the nation. “The Pakistani nation is disappointed with the opposition’s negative attitude,” he maintained, adding it is unfortunate that they didn’t desist from playing politics over the coronavirus issue. He said political as well as administrative teams are mobilised to cope with the once-in-a-century pandemic. He pointed out that the province faces two challenges of coronavirus and locust invasions at the same time, vowing to adopt a multi-pronged strategy to get through both these challenges. Usman Buzdar stressed that people’s cooperation in the fight against the pandemic is indispensable, urging them to strictly adhere to safety precautions to keep the virus at bay. He said citizens lauded the government’s timely action to combat the spread of the virus but unfortunately, the opposition doesn’t have any plan to fight the deadly infection.